Saturday, December 28, 2019
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Essay about Psychology Classical Conditioning - 1146 Words
BEHAVIORISM Classical conditioning is a type of learning through which an organism learns to associate one stimulus with another. It can also be known as respondent conditioning. The stimulus is any event or object in the environment to which an organism responds. The components of classical conditioning are as follows: Unconditioned response (UR) which is a response that is elicited by an unconditioned stimulus without prior learning. Unconditioned Stimulus (US) which elicits a specific unconditioned response without prior learning. Conditioned Stimulus (CS) which is a neutral stimulus that after repeated pairing with an unconditioned stimulus becomes associated with it and elicits a conditioned response. Conditioned response (CR) whichâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This was something that he spent the rest of his life studying. This type of learning became known as classical conditioning. Next we will look at Watson. Watson coined the term behaviorism. This means it is referring to the school of thought that proposed limiting psychology to the study to overtly operable behavior. He and his assistant conducted a study that proved fear could be classically conditioned. He used a toddler to perform these experiments. In doing so, his testing has causes the American Psychological Association to have new standards in place to watch the safety of humans and animals alike when participating in experiments. Watsonââ¬â¢s studies and research are utilized today in some therapies that help unlearn phobias. He also concluded that over a personââ¬â¢s lifetime, their fears will persist and modify. Edward Thorndike is another contributor to the world of psychology. He had formulated several laws of earning. Thorndike believed and after experimenting stated that most learning occurs thru trial and error. The law of effect is the most important that he states. This is saying that when one knows the consequence or what the effect will be of a certain response, then the r eaction would be either strengthened or weakened. So if the outcome is known, the actions prior will be more thought out. This law, and its explanation paved the way for B.F. Skinners work in operant conditioning. The law of effectShow MoreRelatedEssay on Psychology: Intelligence and Classical Conditioning2281 Words à |à 10 PagesChapter 1-4 Psychology 1) Nerves are composed of many- neurons. 2) In which field of study do researchers attempt to identify the effects of heredity on psychological characteristics? -behavioral genetics 3) The term perception correctly applies to which of the following situations? -You must decide how far your car is from an object in the road. 4) Mary is undergoing treatment for the muscular tension that causes her to experience migraine headaches. Every week, Mary is hookedRead MoreClassical And Operant Conditioning And The Field Of Psychology997 Words à |à 4 PagesHow have studies of classical and operant conditioning contributed to the field of psychology? In this essay I will outline the main principles of both operant and classical conditioning methods and discuss what both theories have contributed to the field of psychology and what they have taught us about the way in which some human behaviour occurs. Classical conditioning, also known as Pavlovian conditioning (Davis, S. F., Buskist, W. (2008). 21st century psychology: a reference handbook PageRead MoreClassical or Operant Conditioning Essay1115 Words à |à 5 PagesClassical conditioning developed from the findings of Ivan Pavlov, laying the foundations for behaviourism. From this J.B Watson and other behaviourists argued psychology should be indicative of predicting and controlling overt behaviour using the conditional reflex. (Watson, 1994). This essay will describe the important features of classical conditioning, consider their use in explaining pathological behaviour and will be answered using empirical evidence. The earlier part of the essay will focusRead MoreClassical Conditioning And Operant Conditioning1146 Words à |à 5 Pageslearning is known as conditioning. Conditioning stresses the relationship between stimuli and responses. The two types of conditioning found are Classical conditioning and Operant conditioni ng. As stated before, learning may occur in different ways but Classical and Operant conditioning are two of several theories on learning which take the behaviorist approach. ââ¬Å"Classical conditioning is an association of one event with another that results in a pattern of behavior.â⬠Operant conditioning however, is ââ¬Å"learningRead MoreThe Little Albert Experiment By John B. Watson997 Words à |à 4 PagesThroughout psychology we have learned a variety of experiments that have made an impact toward the field of psychology. One important experiment that was significant in the field was the ââ¬Å"Little Albert Experimentâ⬠by John B. Watson. John B. Watson was a behaviorist where he wanted to conduct an experiment that further Ivan Pavlov research on classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is a theory engages a new behavior through the process of association. This theory includes three stages of classicalRead MoreEssay Operant Conditioning1743 Words à |à 7 PagesPavlov Classical conditioning is a method used in behavioral studies. It is known as classical because it is the first study of laws of learning/conditioning, It is a learned reaction that you do when evoked by a stimulus. Ivan Pavlov was the scientist who discovered classical conditioning. Ivan Pavlov was born in Russia. He lived from 1849 - 1936 . Pavlovââ¬â¢s field of study was physiology and natural science. One of Pavlovââ¬â¢s discoveries was the conditioning of dogs. While workingRead MoreThe, It s Not Just About Salivating Dogs !987 Words à |à 4 PagesForty Studies That Changed Psychology: ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s Not Just About Salivating Dogs!â⬠In the article, ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s Not Just About Salivating Dogs!â⬠the author, Roger R. Hock, talks about Ivan Petrovich Pavlov and his research and discoveries of classical conditioning. The article starts off by talking about how Pavlov technically wasnââ¬â¢t even a psychologist before his remarkable discoveries, he was actually a physiologist. Because Psychology was a new and untouched science, Pavlov made a huge risk in his careerRead MoreClassical and Operant Conditioning Essay1000 Words à |à 4 Pagesthe world. Classical conditioning and operant conditioning are both basic forms of learning, they have the word conditioning in common. Conditioning is the acquisition of specific patterns of behavior in the presence of well-defined stimuli. Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which an organism learns to transfer a natural response from one stimulus to another, previously neutral stimulus. Classical conditioning is achieved by manipulating reflexes. Operant conditioning is a type ofRead MoreJohn B. Watson s Theory Of Psychology1048 Words à |à 5 Pagestheories, publications, and experiments had an enduring influence on psychology. Possibly his biggest contributions to psychology were his theory of behaviorism and his experiment on Little Albert. Though Watsonââ¬â¢s experiments were extremely unethical and behaviorism doesnââ¬â¢t account for biological psychology, Watson was an extremely remarkable psychologist because of his principal of behaviorism and his findings on classical conditioning. Background John Broadus Watson was born on January 8, 1878 in TravelersRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning And Behaviorism753 Words à |à 4 Pagesin Psychology, which was rooted by quite an accidental experiment of how dog salivate before and after conditioning. His fundamental study was based on digestion and behaviors that are evoked during an event and an anticipate response. Yet, his experiment awoke the twentieth century by a different type of learning called Classical conditioning, which is a compulsory or unconditional type of learning from one stimulus to another through a response. The master of classical conditioning
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Piracy Essay Example For Students
Piracy Essay What is PiracyThe term software piracy covers different activities: illegal copying of programs, counterfeiting and distributing software even sharing a program with a friend. Its important to understand the different software piracy channels, not just to comply with the law but also to protect against bigger economic problems like lost revenueand lost jobs. OEMs and ResellersJust because the disk says Microsoft or the software came preloaded on your PC, doesnt guarantee its legal. Learn how pirated software is distributed. Copying and CounterfeitingIt starts with one legitimate, licensed copy of the software, then escalates from there. We will write a custom essay on Piracy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Internet PiracyThe sale of software over Web sites and Auction sites is common and easy, making the Internet the perfect vehicle for counterfeiters. Learn how to protect yourself now. How Piracy Impacts YouPirated software hurts everyonefrom the software developers, retail storeowners, and ultimately all software users. Consumers are at RiskPirated software directly impacts consumers because: It often lacks key elements and documentation, and it always carries no warranty protection or upgrade options. These untested, counterfeit discs may be infected with viruses that will damage your hard drive and may cripple your entire network. If they copy software at work, users put themselves and their company at risk by pirating a product protected by copyright laws. Economic LossesWhen you purchase counterfeit software, youre supporting disreputable companies, not tax-paying, legitimate businesses that provide jobs and salaries to good citizens. The profits from these sales of counterfeit software dont help expand the economy by providing jobs, taxes, and wages, and there is a good chance the profits are funding additional illegitimate businesses. Legitimate companies never receive any funds from the sale of counterfeit software, and frequently this loss of revenue leads to layoffs for workers in all related industries, from manufacturers to resellers. So, as you can see, purchasing counterfeit software doesnt only impact software manufacturers, it impacts everyone. Innovation is SlowedIntellectual property is the ownership of ideas as well as the control over the tangible or virtual representation of those ideas. Software is intellectual property, as are books, movies, and music.Like music performers and authors, software developers use copyright laws to protect their work and their investment in the field. The theft of intellectual property thus eliminates the resources used to develop newer and better products. Taking ActionIn an effort to level the playing field for honest resellers, Microsoft is taking legal actions against repeat offenders. Microsofts Anti-Piracy Business Desk is a program designed to assist resellers who believe that they have lost a significant amount of business as a result of competitors selling counterfeit software.Consumers can take action by educating themselves on the different forms of piracy and reporting suspected software piracy offenders. Did you know A study commissioned by the Business Software Alliance in 2000 found that 24 percent of the business software applications installed on PCs in the U.S. were pirated. In 2000, 118,000 people lost their jobs and $5.7 billion in wages were lost due to software piracy. If piracy were eliminated in the U.S. and reduced abroad, it is estimated that the industry would produce an additional 1 million jobs by 2005 and contribute $25 billion in tax revenues. Regions of the US with the lowest population density tend to have the highest piracy rates. The Pacific states in the US experienced the highest retail dollar loss $2.1 billion in 2000 alone. What is Piracy Copying and CounterfeitingTwo of the most common forms of software piracy areEnd-User Copying: friends loaning disks to each other, or organizations underreporting the number of software installations they have made. Counterfeiting: large scale duplication and distribution of illegally copied software. .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c , .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c .postImageUrl , .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c , .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c:hover , .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c:visited , .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c:active { border:0!important; } .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c:active , .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u37f716dfc6a601a4e03042c7496d837c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Child Abuse EssaySharing software with friends seems like no big deal, and theres no way it has anything to do with large-scale counterfeiting operations, right? Wrong. Both activities violate copyright laws and put the software users, including you, at considerable risk. End-User CopyingSimple unlicensed copying by individuals and businesses is one of the most common types of software piracy. End-user copying also includes:Installing software on more company computers than you have licenses for Informal disk swapping among friends and associates All of these activities are illegal and put users at risk because they do not have the license to use the software. CounterfeitingCounterfeiting is the large-scale illegal duplication and distribution of software. Many counterfeiting groups are linked to organized crimeand they counterfeit and package the software using sophisticated techniques. The packaged software is then sold as imitation legitimate software. When produced at large volumes, counterfeiting is a sophisticated criminal activity. Software piracy has become a link in money laundering schemes that in turn fund and promote weapons smuggling, gambling, extortion, and prostitution.As the technology used by counterfeiters advances, even sophisticated consumers are often unable to distinguish legitimate software from counterfeit. The rising popularity of shopping on the Internet has increased the potential for deception since you cant see the product in person until it arrives at your doorstepif it arrives at all. Dont be fooledCounterfeiters often attract customers with extremely low price offerings. What you wont find mentioned in their marketing literature, however, are the risks they pass on to consumers. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. Consumers who acquire counterfeit software get:Untested software that may have been copied thousands of times over, potentially containing hard-drive-infecting viruses No technical support No warranty protection No legal right to use the productAll for an unbelievable price. Counterfeit software can so closely resemble genuine software that even resellers have been duped into buying and distributing it to their customers. By educating yourself with the built-in security features of Microsoft software, you can protect your software investmentand your computer system.For photos and additional information, see the Microsoft How To Tell Web site and the Piracy Software Management Guide. Counterfeiting FactsSoftware counterfeiting threatens the ability of the industry to maintain its significant contribution to the U.S. economy. According to a 2000 software piracy study by International Planning ; Research Corp., software piracy resulted in the loss of 118,026 jobs in the United States, nearly $1.6 billion in tax revenues and $5.6 billion in wages. In the year ending June 2001, nearly 2.7 million units of counterfeit Microsoft software and hardware were seized worldwide, with an estimated retail value of over $781 millionthe result of dozens of legal actions worldwide. The largest seizure of Microsoft software to date occurred on November 9, 2001 when over $60 million in software was seized. In the 18-month undercover investigation run by the Customs Service, Microsoft investigators worked with the Southern California High Tech Task Force, to interrupt a major counterfeit software distribution pipeline that moved containers of counterfeit software and other illegal c omponents by ship from Taiwan through the Port of Los AngelesWords/ Pages : 1,147 / 24
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The Fire Next Time Essays (915 words) - American Literature
The Fire Next Time The Fire Next Time James Baldwin's book The fire Next Time opens up an entirely new world to most readers. It opens the reader to the harsh world of a black boy growing into a man in the poor city slums and all of the issues that a black man has to face. This book does more for the reader than any article published about the black's living in the poor cities in terms of exposure for the reader. The reason why it has this ability is how James Baldwin wrote it. He was able to express all of himself in the essay form with a storytelling technique. Together these two techniques combine to form a collection of essays on what blackness means in America. What makes this form of writing nice for the reader is that by combining many different essays you are able to learn about many different areas of a black man's life. In his collection of essays there is a light shined on the relationship between blacks and whites. Baldwin throughout the book discusses the idea that to be successful in the world that we live you have to live in a white world. This creates a problem because then you have blacks who want to be successful but the whites will not except them. Baldwin deconstructs the myths that surround blackness in America and sets out as a possibility that blacks must learn to accept whites but whites don't have to do the same. Even though he has these thoughts he is not anti white. He understands that one day in this world whites and blacks will have to come together and live as one in order to be successful as a whole. A part of the book that he states this goes, In short we, the black and white deeply need each other here if we are really to become a nation-if we are really, that is, to achieve our identity, our maturity, as men and women. This is a very important part of the book because it shows the reader that the author even though he has been suppressed by whites understands that one day we have to live in unity. What does being black mean? According to Baldwin, being black is unchangeable. It is a burden for a young person to carry. Being black means that one is intended for a particular life, a life with several disappointing outcomes. Part of his book portrays this idea perfectly. You were born where you were born and faced the future that you faced because you were black and for no other reason. This shows that Baldwin believes that being black means that you are stuck in one type of life with no way out. This way of life is a brutal one as well. Baldwin brings up many examples of this in the different essays that you read. One line he writes hits you in the chest and makes you step back from the book and think for a second. You were born into a society which spelled out with brutal clarity, and in as many ways as possible, that you were a worthless human being. For a man to write this about his race makes you really understand what he is feeling and the power that he feels it with. Baldwin describes his own life growing up in Harlem. The wages of sin were visible everywhere, in every wine stained and urine-splashed hallway, in every clanging ambulance bell, in every scar on the faces of the pimps and their whores, in every helpless little newborn baby being brought into danger This is something that you can not be exposed to in any other type of writing besides Baldwin's for the mere fact that his writing is in the form of storytelling and he has the ability to paint a clear picture with this story telling. And you are truly able to see the life that one is exposed to in the slums of Harlem. An issue that the author brings up in the book is the work that a black man can do. He discusses how their options are limited to the lower class for the mere fact that they are black. You learn that his father was a preacher, and that James Baldwin himself is a preacher. In one of the essays he explains how a young black man has to find a gimmick to get into for work. Something that
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